Friday, March 7, 2014

Over One Hurdle and On to Another...

Well y'all, I finally did it- I passed my boards and you are now looking at the newest California registered nurse! It has taken so long for all of the paper work through the state to be processed and so many hours have been spent studying, but it is all worth it now! The next hurdle is to find a job... Easier said than done. What many people that aren't in nursing don't understand is that although there are tons of nursing jobs available and we are in a nursing crisis, it is so hard for a new grad RN to get their foot in the door and someone to give them a chance. I hear it all the time from people about how easy it should be to get a job in California as a nurse and sadly, it is just not the case. The best way is to get into the RN residency programs that some of the teaching hospitals in the area offer but those are only available three times a year. So while most of my friends from nursing school have jobs and are thriving in their new careers, I still feel a little behind the curve, but you can't say I'm not trying (35 applications in one week...)! Other than applications, I have been trying to stay busy to keep myself from going bonkers! I have been trying to make our house more "homey" by decorating the walls and doing little crafts. Its a work in progress....

I have also been doing a lot of training for the San Diego Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in June. Chris's parents are coming in town and his aunt is running the race with both of us too. It is gonna a blast! Red and I have been going on a lot of training runs around Temecula. I have done two marathons and a half marathon in the past, but with the craziness of nursing school, I let my running fall by the waist side. I have really enjoyed getting back into my groove and I have really missed training. It so funny how therapeutic running can be, even through the agony of getting back into shape! haha Its nice having Red as a running buddy too (not to mention, it is one of the few things that wears his butt out!). 

Until next time lovelies!

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